Liberating structures into flow – from the mind into the heart

Received on 30 October 2011.


In an extended conversation with Anne-Marie and Lisette during our time at Uddelermeer, we raised the topic of working with etheric energy. In that context (more specifically the work of Rudolf Steiner), we broached the subject of the “dark forces” (Ahriman). I’ve always been sceptical about the reality of evil, and shy away from anything that smacks of conspiracy theory, but as I sat with my two friends on 28 October 2011 –the date (according to Carl Johan Calleman) of ‘cosmic convergence’ of all 9 waves revealed through the Mayan calendar) – I had a dawning insight, which I brought to the Family for further exploration.

You wish to flesh out your insight about the workings of the Ahrimanic forces in the world at this time. It is important to understand that these forces are impersonal and inexorable. They work through the mind that is not anchored in service to the heart. Through the one that is not enmeshed with the many. Through your hearts is your connection to each other and to the whole.

We have already spoken of the consequences of humanity’s fragmented intention. It is this fragmentation that has allowed the Ahrimanic forces to run amok amongst you, and the end game is nearing.  You can see their working most clearly in your money system, which has been warped away from its original function as a means of exchange, a currency to bring gifts into contact with needs. In the absence of any focused and aligned heart-based social intention, it has gathered all unto itself. It has devoured the wild and reduced free men and women to slavery, turned you against each other and set humanity to the despoliation of its own home, in order to fuel the mindless growth of a heartless, pitiless abstraction. And you have made this abstraction your de facto God.

And yet the forces of the heart are breaking through at this time. There is an energetic convergence happening as the successive waves of this universe’s unfolding, so perceptively described by the Mayan people, all culminate in their mid-point, allowing all that has been evolving in so many dimensions, and at so many orders of magnitude, to become available to us all at this time.

This is a time for heart opening – and we see it unfolding in the many mass movements gaining momentum across the human world. You are awakening to your heart’s longing, you are beginning collectively to intuit that another world is possible – although your minds, so infected with the Ahrimanic corruption that has grown in the mental realm of abstraction, cannot yet see a way forward that does not create more of the same.

This is a time when the structures are breaking – it is time to learn to live not inside structures but as part of a flow. The structures that you have created with your minds – and that now stand rigid and brittle in your minds – have no real existence outside of your minds. They have never been real, and the flow has always been there, beneath the visible surface of manifestation, that your ‘science’ has taught you to see as ‘objective’.…  Ah, but the eyeball cannot see itself, and the filters of your worldview are not available to your inspection. The mind cannot liberate you from the prison it has become. That is the work of the heart, and it is the heart’s era that is now dawning.

It is time to learn and discern the patterns of flow – to practice the light and fluid forms of the open heart, where grace resides. Let curiosity take precedence over knowing, let inquiry trump solutions, let the faith of the heart consume the doubt of the conditioned mind. It is time for humanity to learn to live with open hands, in the spirit of the gift, in the image of the kosmos which brought you forth.

Alignment lies not in structure but in flow. The Ahrimanic forces reside in enclosure, in capturing flow in static forms and structures, in imposing quantity on quality, in reducing the wild dance of life – which it calls chaos – to the dead husk of the machine. You have only to look at the urban wastelands into which you have corralled your lives to see these forces at work. You have only to open your eyes to how the promise of abundance and ease has brought you into a dead-end existence of meaningless drudgery and slavery.

But the Ahrimanic forces cannot withstand the light of awareness. They thrive in the shadows, in those places where the eye does not fall. The light of the heart, the connections of love and the longings of the human soul can dislodge them as easily as we clear away the cobwebs from a long-neglected corner.

It is time to come together in your streets and your workplaces to tell the story of the world your hearts tell you is possible. There are many strands already available to be woven into the flowing landscape of the Earth’s new dance. It has already begun.

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Context: Transition Open Space festival at Kasteel Nieuwenhoven – 8-16 July 2011. Message for those present at the closing harvest feast – also for all who are involved in the transition movement. This is the first time the Family has worked with me to include and adapt messages from other contexts, so this post is a mix of new and existing content.

We see you experimenting. We see  you opening, each to your next step, one to the other, the women to the men, the men to the women, the men to each other, the women to each other. Please understand that you are not alone. All around you, in unimaginable density, are invisible realms populated with intelligence that you cannot fathom. None of it is inimical to you, because all of it cherishes life.

Multigenerational circle

Transition is happening at many levels and at many scales at this time. You are gathered here at this festival around a transition between sources of energy to fuel your civilisation, and worldviews to support your social organisation and how you interact with your natural environment. All of what you see and feel is part of a much vaster movement. The kosmos, the earth, humanity, post-modern civilisation – all are in transition. The structures that surround us, that have grown up over the past few thousand years – your religions, your institutions, your education, your economy – are crumbling, shaken loose by the new cosmic pulses. What is coming to us all, slowly taking form, emerging from the subtle mists of coalescing potential, is the Aquarian age. The signature pattern of this dawning time is co-creation. What is possible is circumscribed by kosmic laws of which we as yet know nothing.

This is the first time that humanity has been in a position to intentionally shape the structures that will come into being as this “new age” progressively takes form. Every realm of creation is invested with intelligence that you are not equipped to apprehend. The new capacities awakening as intuitions at this time bring you to a place where you can begin to interact in rudimentary ways with new realms of experience previously unsuspected by you.

Hearing all voices

In this context you are also called, now, as a species to pass through a pyschological transition that is long overdue – from childhood to adulthood. The kosmic forces at this time can support a mass shift in humanity from a stance of individual and collective powerlessness to one of responsibility and maturity. You are invited to open your eyes to what is real and what can be, to understand that the human realm is the realm of choice. Yours is the realm where free will is the determining factor – the future is, literally, yours to choose, moment by moment, from the inside out. Because, as humans, once you step into psychological maturity, you are free to decide how you wish to feel, and what you wish to believe. What you experience as reality will flow from that – because you experience the world not as it is but as you are.

Most particularly, your civilisation has become so complex, and your power as a species so great, that moving into psychological maturity as individuals will enable you also to start to work together collectively in new ways. To grapple with the complexity in and around you requires you to embrace and utilise all of your diversity, all of your individual gifts and perspectives. Above all, you will need the full spectrum of masculine and feminine capacities at this time.

Women: speak out what you know

The new capacities that have started unfolding in humanity have awoken first in the feminine sphere. The subtle sensing and wholeness of knowing that are the hallmark of these capacities are more typically found in women, because of their attunement to the physical realm. The transcendent drives of the masculine sphere have brought humanity this far, and will continue to play a vital role – the masculine drive will be needed to weather the physical hardships to come, as humanity faces the consequences of its exploitative relation to its natural habitat. But the time of male supremacy is over. Without the feminine capacity for intuitive knowing, there will be no further flowering for humanity, only decadence, decline and ugly demise.

It is time for those among you who are pioneers in the blossoming of the new consciousness to recognise and enact the essential roles that have always indwelt in the masculine and feminine natures: Let the women bring in the Wisdom. Let the men bring in the Love.

Men, listen to your women. Do not act without consulting them in all things. For all things are connected at their core. Women, it is time to trust your knowing and speak out what you know.

Listening with attention

The new capacities awakening in humanity at this time are explicitly collective. Women: sit in circle with your sisters. Let this be your practice in the dawning of the new age. Your counsel will be needed in all things. Collectively, you can access knowing which is beyond you as individuals. Men: the age of the lone hero leader is over. Learn to bond as brothers, to act as a clan, always on behalf of the whole, and always with the explicit holding and guidance of your women.

You will need to develop different cultural patterns to accommodate these new rhythms. You will need to learn to systematically access and inhabit that dimension of Time known as Kairos, and to deliberately step out of the habitual and brutailising regime of Kronos that is your current familiar mode. There is no time left for speed. Change is happening now too fast to engage with in “normal consciousness”. Complexity is too great for business as usual.

At this short gathering, an evolutionary insight has dawned in your midst, born of your longing for wholeness, your desire, as men and women, to relate in a way that is healthy and whole. Many of you felt it move through you during the dance. Please practice the new ways you are seeing here when you leave this place. Experiment with ceremony and ritual forms that can support your understanding of the different contributions that the feminine and the masculine bring to your wholeness – uncover the ecstasy that lies therein. It is yours to enjoy.

Healing the relationship between men and women

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On Humanity’s Rite of Passage

Context: Llewelyn Vaughn-Lee’s article: Witnessing the End of an Era. He speaks of a light having gone out – the light that gives meaning to the last era – a collective light, connected with the evolution of humanity, which should normally transform into the light of the next era, but which instead has guttered and died through our cumulative greed and selfishness.

Llewelyn Vaughan-Lee

Llewelyn is correct in his sensing – he is an inspired teacher who is tuning into reality through his innate soul’s gifts, rather than following the prescribed teachings of the spiritual tradition that brought him to his spiritual maturity. This is the sign of an Aquarian teacher.

The light of which Llewelyn speaks is an energetic resonance attuned to humanity’s collective response to the kosmic impulse of the Piscean era, which has now ceased to beat, simply because the kosmos has moved on.

It is not that the light of humanity’s collective soul has been extinguished – rather, there has been a randomisation, or mass disturbance of the human field brought about by the extreme dissonance that has arisen from the fact that the collective conditioning of humanity – which is now more connected than ever around certain shared stories – is jarringly out of alignment with the recently evolved rhythms of the basic impulse emanating out from the kosmic core, inviting new thought forms, new patterns and structures that align with the dawning Aquarian Age.

The situation is far from hopeless, however. The light of humanity’s collective soul, as it has manifested through the aeons, could not survive the passage to the Aquarian Age, for a reason that has to do with the nature of humanity’s next evolutionary step – itself called into being by the dawning new age.

The rise of humanity is not merely a random evolutionary accident. Alone of all species on Earth, you have developed the consciousness to dissociate from your natural surroundings, to experience yourselves as differentiated, separate. As Llewelyn rightly says, it is this sense of separateness that has brought you to the brink of catastrophe. But this is not a false turning or an optional phase of your development. Rather, it is a crucial rite of passage that each and every human being must traverse who is alive at this time, whether during the passage of life, or at the transition through death.

Portal into Radiance

What lies on the other side is an awakening into the realisation that humanity is not separate from Gaia. Your understanding has evolved sufficiently for you to see your living environment as a planet in the universe – it is no longer just a place, a location, a country or a content. You recognise the oneness of the human family – even if not all humans have yet learned to live by that truth. Now there are those among you who are awakening to the lived sensory experience that humanity is physically, emotionally, energetically and psychically part of the metabolism of Gaia, and you are learning, slowly, man by man, woman by woman, what that means.

And with every individual awakening, one more man, one more woman walks through the initiatory portal into integration with Gaia, and through Gaia with the kosmos.

And so, you see, the light of the kosmos is not diminished by the passing of the light of the era that has passed. The light of Gaia’s own awakening awareness will begin to blaze ever more brightly as she embraces more and more sparks of human consciousness, freely surrendered into her governance, awakened to their power to witness and be undone by the beauty and majesty of What Is. This is the Portal into Radiance.

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On meaning and place

Received 22 April 2011

Context: Over on the Powers of Place Ning, there’s a conversation going on in the Listening to the Land group that has raised the question of whether the re-enactment of old battles helps release the story in a place. The family, which has been quiet for a while, has something to say.

Re-enactment of the battle of Culloden

Humans love drama, the land is not touched by it. Drama is an egoic phenomenon, that is native to the human field. Listening to stories of human drama is not listening to the land. Releasing stories of human trauma can heal the human field – but do not think that either the trauma or its release have such impact on natural places.

Culloden field

It is natural that, as humans, you can sense and remember human trauma that has occurred in a place. You are all connected to the human field. It is natural, also, that you project the human stories onto the landscape – your anthropocentric conditioning runs very deep. And yet this is what must be unlearned if you are to truly learn to hear the earth. Not just intentional listening, which is still more about you than about the earth and her many landscapes. To hear the earth, as part of her, is to drop out of the dense, drama-rich human field and to become simply sentient and awake as a field of consciousness so clean and clear that you can hear the whisperings of the grass, the scurryings of mice, the inaudible humming of the great trees, the chiming of the mushrooms, the creakings and crackings of the tectonic plates, deep beneath the surface, the song of the whale.

What you bring to the kosmos (not just to the earth) when you hear and bear witness in this way is your knowing of wholeness, and your love of each part. Let there be no preference of the one over the other, of the rose over the dandelion, the worm over the slug, the sparrow over the cuckoo. Your judgements, like your stories, belong to the human field that is part of your growing, not part of your destiny.

Through your intentional witnessing of the earth, comes an activation, an amplification, an intensification, a concentration of the life force, the pranic field that imbues all matter. There is an awakening to the love in the kosmos, one being at a time, that is its own reward, and carries its own meaning.

The human being is the meaning-making species. Your meanings are what anchor you into life. Meaning can be superficial, and meaning can be vast. Your meanings can be diseased, when they are exclusively rooted in ego. And they are a never-ending source of delight when they are lightly held in play with the kosmos. When they are caught, thrown, bounced, snatched, tossed, picked up and dropped like a child’s ball.

Always remember, when you are learning to enter into conscious relationship with the Earth: IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU!! If you are self-conscious, always self-reflexive, then relationship is with yourself. Not with her. You are part of her. You are of her, not on her. We cannot tell you what that means to you – only you can discover that, and it will be different to each of you, because meaning-making is part of the human field that arises in the individual sphere before it is shared and validated in the collective sphere. We cannot tell you what it means that you are part of the earth, we say. Only that it is so.

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On moving into TURQUOISE

Received on 9 April 2011

Context: At the Spiral Dynamics Integral EuroConfab (8-10 April 2011), Peter Merry spoke of the research project being conducted by the Centre for Human Emergence NL, into the Turquoise meme now beginning to emerge in their collective awareness.

As a reminder/introduction, Turquoise denotes a new wave of capacities/consciousness becoming available at this time in response to the extreme complexity of today’s life conditions. According to the early results of the action research being undertaken by the Dutch Centre for Human Emergence (which I can confirm from my own experience) with Turquoise we begin to see:

  • effortless simplicity
  • basic trust in life and spirit
  • experience of unity between inner and outer world
  • trans-rational, multi-sensory processing
  • working with subtle energy
  • holding ‘I’ and ‘we’ boundaries
  • alchemy of interior states – transmuting egoic emotions into the powers of the universe

Turquoise research

Your research into “Turquoise”, as you call it, is very much an Aquarian practice around Aquarian patterns. The practice of inquiry into direct experience, unmediated by the thought structures of the Piscean forerunners, can help to discern, reveal and articulate the slowly coalescing patterns that will form the bare bones that the new structures will materialise around.

You are correct, also, that the act of inquiry brings you into active co-creation with the Aquarian impulse itself. This is the first time in human history that you have had the capacity – the complexity of consciousness – to engage in such intentional activity in sufficient numbers to have a real impact. Translated into human terms, the Kosmos could be said to be pleased. Your own growing consciousness allows this.

A next step that Turquoise consciousness allows is for those among you who can access and embody it to relinquish your “human-centric” perspective and enter into an equal and co-creative relationship with the other intelligences active in your planetary sphere – although it will be a long time before you can truly understand their nature, or indeed your own evolutionary role in Gaia’s unfolding. For you are indigenous to this place, and you are of the kosmos. One of the many, and an inalienable part of the One.

There are those among you who are born with unique capacities to sense and articulate these intelligences that operate from other dimensions interpenetrative with those inhabited by you. There have always been a few, born to humanity through the ages. Now there are many, many more, as the capacity begins to generalise throughout the species. And each is unique, we say. No two people manifest exactly the same knowing. This is because competition is foreign to the Aquarian impulse, while collaboration and co-creation are native to it.

How the periphery gifts the middle

This is the first time, we say, that humanity has been in a position to intentionally shape the structures that will come into being as this “new age” progressively takes form. We use the term “new age” deliberately – aware of the connotations it holds for this audience – because the intuitions that the early sensors had of the nature of the possibilities opening up at this time have been essentially accurate. What many among you have scornfully dismissed as weak-headed, fluffy, magical thinking is in fact a pre-sensing of new capacities activating in humans. What those of you still anchored in the stubborn materialism of the scientific paradigm call “magic” is as real as the fairies at the bottom of your gardens. Every realm of creation is invested with intelligence that you are not equipped to apprehend. The new capacities awakening as intuitions at Turquoise bring you to a place where you can begin to interact in rudimentary ways with new realms of experience previously unsuspected by you.

As some of you are beginning to appreciate, these Aquarian capacities have awoken first in the feminine sphere. The subtle sensing and wholeness of knowing that are the hallmark of these capacities are native to an embodiment more typically found in women, because of their attunement to the physical realm. The transcendent drives of the masculine sphere have brought humanity this far, and will continue to play a vital role – the masculine drive will be needed to weather the physical hardships to come, as humanity faces the consequences of its exploitative relation to its natural habitat. But the time of male supremacy is over. Without the feminine capacity for intuitive knowing, there will be no further flowering for humanity, only decadence, decline and ugly demise.

It is time for those among you who are learning to embrace the blossoming of Turquoise consciousness to recognise and enact the essential roles that have always indwelt in the masculine and feminine natures: Let the women bring in the Wisdom. Let the men bring in the Love.

Men, listen to your women. Do not act without consulting them in all things. For all things are connected at their core. Women, it is time to trust your knowing and speak out what you know.

Turquoise is an explicitly collective capacity. We have said it before. Women: sit in circle with your sisters. Let this be your practice in the dawning of the new age. Your counsel will be needed in all things. Collectively, you can access knowing which is beyond you as individuals. Men: the age of the lone hero leader is over. Learn to bond as brothers, to act as a clan, always on behalf of the whole, and always with the explicit holding and guidance of your women.

You will need to develop different cultural mores to accommodate these new rhythms. You will need to learn to systematically access and inhabit that dimension of Time known as Kairos, and to deliberately step out of the habitual and brutailising regime of Kronos that is your current familiar mode. There is no time left for speed. Change is happening now too fast to engage with in “normal consciousness”. Complexity is too great for business as usual.

We say again: Let the women bring in the Wisdom, let the men bring in the Love. Then you will learn how simple the dance truly is.

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Practices for interpenetrative living

Received 5 December 2010

Context: Ria asks for clarification on the energetic differences between ‘invitation’, ‘invocation’ and ‘participation’ as they relate to the process of inner alignment. In this context, the process of inner alignment refers to the unfolding of the individual towards authenticity, through open mind, open heart and open will. More specifically: Observing what is (Open Mind); Accepting and then Honouring what is (Open Heart); Living what is (Open Will). These are the vertical axis of a matrix Ria is developing in her forthcoming book (building on Scharmer’s Theory U). The horizontal axis concerns the process of outer alignment, with the overall goal of creating a Circle of Presence, with a view to building capacity for authentic collective wisdom in service of wise action. The horizontal axis is the subject of another channelling which will be published in due course.

Inner alignment

The process of inner alignment concerns the inner development of the individual human being. This is something we can only observe from outside. Even those of us who have lived human lives cannot speak to this from subjective experience of the full spectrum of alignment, for what you are describing is – at least at the deeper levels – an intuition of the evolutionary next steps of humanity, and not something that is grounded in embodied fact at this time.

Bearing this in mind, we would suggest to you that ‘invitation’, ‘invocation’, ‘participation’ and ‘witnessing’ are practices to be developed and engaged in as a means to strengthen the nascent human capacity of living in conscious alignment with the cosmic reality of interpenetration of the different dimensions of the Kosmos – more specifically the manifest and subtle realms.

  • Invitation is an opening to the other. We can say that it refers to the act of opening the circle to other humans, of requesting their presence and participation. It is to be understood as a gesture of equality and trust. The practice of invitation, if it is to be engaged in with an evolutionary intent, can have no strings attached. When you invite, you invite the whole being, with all the consequences that entails, for both the inviter and the invitee. What you are inviting into is ‘participation’. You are inviting the other to bring their full selves into your context, without reservations. This requires you to relinquish all thoughts of ownership and desire to control the outcome. It is for this reason that it is so important to be crystal clear about your intent. What you intend will shape your invitation, and that will influence what manner of person shows up. Never neglect to speak your intent formally and deliberately.
  • Invocation is also a form of invitation. We suggest, in the interests of clarity, that you reserve the use of this term to your inviting of beings and clusters from the subtle realms. Such beings cannot not answer an invocation. The denizens of the subtle realms are fascinated and attracted by the physical, and will always show up when invoked. And so, again, intention is key. The clarity of your intent is the keeper at the gate – those who are not invited cannot come through. Clear and formal invocation is a precaution we urge you to practice with great zeal. Ultimately, the only safe intent is one which is whole-heartedly aligned on the good of the whole. Dark or egoic intent with no higher focus will attract Ahrimanic beings – that would not serve your evolutionary purposes.

In so far as we can comment on the Process of Inner Alignment, we would suggest that the sequential steps (Open Mind, Open Heart, Open Will) represent stepping stones in deepening the individual’s relationship with him or herself, with a view to participation in the work of the collective. We liken this to learning to hold a melody in order to be able to sing harmoniously in a choir. In the steps towards building a circle of presence, the individual is learning to hear her own soul’s melody. Paradoxically, the way to do this is by learning to hear the melodies of others in the circle. We can only discover our unique gifts in interaction with others. When each member of the circle is grounded in their own authentic voice, then comes the practice of choral improvisation – learning to sense and ride the shifting patterns emerging from the middle. This the subtle realms can do with consummate ease. The metaphor of the murmuration of starlings can illustrate this. It is part of our nature, and so comes naturally to us. Not so in the physical realm, because of the fragmented intent of so many billions of unaligned human psyches all squawking in cacophony.

  • Witnessing – This is the supreme practice of the Aquarian age. There is no end to that which can be witnessed, but it is necessary to start small. Witnessing is what makes it possible for an individual, when invited, to step seamlessly into a functioning collective, and what allows a collective to seamlessly embrace a new member and be transformed by the embracing. With each embrace, the old collective dies and the new is born. The witnessing is of everything – the inner and outer, the individual and the collective. Part of the practice is to speak that which is witnessed, and to witness that which is spoken. Part of the practice is to speak what is witnessed as it is experienced – in joy or in rage, in sorrow or fear or indifference. The emotional charge is part of the meal, to be metabolised by the collective body. The more the collective body can metabolise, the broader the range of its responses to that which transpires in the greater whole.
  • Participation – in this context, participation means surrender. Surrender to the higher, to the deeper. To the innermost, as the gateway to the All. It implies unswerving commitment to the truth that comes from living the reality of one’s ever-unfolding soul’s path, which is also the commitment to living awake, moment by moment, to the minutiae of daily life. It is the commitment to Live Open, to let everything in, to feel, and hold, and be transformed, breath by breath, by that which comes to your senses. Know that you will never be given more than you can contain; know that nothing is yours to keep, except that which you become as a result of your participation in the unfolding life of the Kosmos.

We offer these words in humility, and wish to express our thanks for the honour you show us in invoking our participation in your journey.

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Message to the people of Japan

Received Thursday 17 March

Context: I was with Tom Meyers today. He has put up a website on elementary healthcare, and his first post was a message to the people of Japan, to send them advice on how to heal trauma and stay well in this time of devastion and recovery. As he spoke about this, I felt the family‘s strong presence. They, too, have a message for the Japanese people.

One tsunami wave washes away your greatest technology

Gaia twitches a muscle, just like a horse irritated by a fly, and human edifices fall. One tsunami wave washes away your greatest technology and the karma of your economic logic blows up in your faces, with potentially devastating consequences that stretch far beyond home.

People of Japan, the world is watching you. Know that in your distress, your example is an inspiration. Your natural response to disaster has not been to loot or hoard, but to open your homes and to think of your neighbours.

You are a resilient people. Yours is a resilient culture. Underneath the veneer of consumer society, your ancestral knowing is strong and accessible. It will serve you now.

Your national history of the last 70 years has been a departure from your most natural path of cultural unfolding. The current circumstances – as the very earth beneath your feet continues to tremble – present you with an unlooked-for opportunity to lead the peoples of the earth towards greater cultural diversity, following your own destiny, in the mould of your relationship to your island home, in the mould of your unique historical, cultural and ethnic DNA.

Photo: national geographic
You are a resilient people (Photo: National Geographic)

Your governments cannot stand because the model of democracy you embraced after the War did not grow up from your soil and your souls, but was donned like a hair shirt in guilt and shame, defeat and reparation. You are a noble people, with a strong sense of morality and aesthetics, place and lineage. It is time to reinhabit your deeper identity and continue your interrupted journey into your unique future, to your unique destiny. Be proud of who you are. Walk forward in peace.

Peoples of the Earth, take heed. Your structures are too brittle to stand at this time of planetary upheaval. Your technology has the power to destroy you – and much more besides – unless you anchor your inventiveness again to the Earth, not as an inert lump of rock to be eviscerated and violated, but as a living entity of which you are an integral part, with an evolutionary function to fulfil. Learn to live more lightly on the Earth. Learn to love what you have, rather than hungering for what you have not. The greatest peril you now face is from each other. It is time to share. Time to collaborate instead of competing. Time to abandon the drive to accumulate wealth. Time to heal and learn the true power of Love.

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The role of elders in stewarding Aquarian patterns

Received on Wednesday 24 November

Context: This communication came through in response to an inquiry by a group of seasoned practitioners of the Art of Hosting patterns. This circle has convened in response to a shared calling to hold the evolving field created by the burgeoning global community of practice and all the patterns it generates to help groups, communities and networks of people, worldwide, to connect with what matters during this time of shift.

It strikes me that what is spoken here has relevance also for other communities that intentionally hold and practice Aquarian patterns of all types.

Communication to the Art of Hosting stewarding circle


Harvesting conversations

When you hold the centre of the Art of Hosting circle, you are holding more than you perhaps realise.

Firstly, you are holding the largest perimeter of a space that is has the potential to transform the core of each individual that steps inside. You are guardians of a sacred space that is like a school whose alumni are called to enter the ranks of awakened humans on this planet. The power of attraction of the centre you hold is huge and growing huger. It is your task to ensure that the essence of what is offered and experienced is not diluted and commodified – as it would be if left unstewarded, as that is still the prevailing pattern amongst humans in the parts of the world where this pattern is predominantly practiced.

Secondly, you are guardians of the patterns that are taught at this school, and practiced by the community. Yours is the responsibility for testing each new pattern seeking entry against the principles that articulate the essence of your purpose. Be aware that your purpose, and how it is articulated, will evolve over time as the collective understanding of what you are doing unfolds and deepens. You are called to hold the highest and deepest understanding of that purpose.

These many years, this community has been enacting a pattern that you are calling in from the future. We, your cosmic family, have been gathering around you, observing and witnessing. You have mostly been blind to our presence, unaware that each time you invoke sacred spaces and build strong containers, invisible beings from the subtle realms can come in. Yours are some of the best parties in town!

It is time we made ourselves known to you, now that some among you are awake to our presence and learning what is possible if we are explicitly invited to join your circles of inquiry. Know, then, that when you are gathered together around a purpose or question, information relevant to your inquiry can come through from the subtle realms. We hold information about the patterns underlying the manifest realm and its life processes, and we are party to the unfolding evolutionary potential of this time. Think, only, to ask us, and we can respond. Know, though, that what we have to work with when communicating with you is the stuff of your own consciousness, the building blocks of your own knowledge. This is why it is important for there to be diversity in your circle. Know also that it is easy to communicate with us, once you step over the threshold of belief and dare to surrender your defenses. If there is an aptitude needed, it is the ability to suspend your scientific world-view that says we cannot exist.

We are overjoyed to be here with you today, because of the potential this opens up. Do not forget that we are here. Let us explore together what can be possible from now on.

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The peril and potential of Europe in 2011

Context: Preparing for a day and a half of inquiry with the core community of participatory leadership in and for the European Commission and its work in Europe. I sense that the family wants to come through.

Why we show up for Europe

The ice is breaking. It is time to push. The old structures, fit for the former age, cannot stand up to the new impulses arising in the people and the tensions created by the massive feedback loops bringing news of how human choices have impacted your living environment. Even the human construct that is your economy cannot withstand the consequences of your forgetting what you once knew about living in reciprocal relationship with nature.

Your circle is living in the mechanical heart of the technocracy, where people are constricted into the restrictive armouring of reason, cut off from other ways of knowing, that are often treated as taboo. You are working to introduce Aquarian patterns into this technocracy, and yet these patterns are still being put to the service of Piscean ends.

The technocracy continues to be convinced that the existing power structures are the only way of organising that is possible, and so the many intelligent and resourceful men and women embedded in these structures are shackled and reduced to operating as cogs in the machine, acting unwillingly in ways that violate their own better judgement. Afraid to risk taking an individual stand, they have abdicated their responsibility and renounced their vision of a better world.

You must understand that your organisation – as it is currently configured – is doomed to fail. That which it seeks to achieve is unattainable and – from the largest perspective – undesirable. And yet, it is through embracing and spreading this knowledge that the path opens up to a radically novel future.

The beating heart of Europe, and the potential that Europe can be, lies within the men and women who work within the organisation – not in the organising structures or the prevailing power paradigm.

Looking from a global and cosmic perspective, we see the European civilisation as most advanced along the road to good governance of diverse peoples. But you have reached a cross-roads where a fundamental leap of faith is required. Your current leaders favour a regression – an attempt to turn back the clock and compete with younger civilisations on their terms. This you cannot do. The river of time does not flow backwards. Salvation – if salvation there is – resides in pushing further into the unknown. Have the courage to face the inevitable failure of the project as it is now envisaged and articulated, and the courage to strike out in an unknown direction, without the comfort of a known destination or a roadmap.

It is time to reunite the ages. Europe is still populated by its First Nations. You carry in your DNA the knowledge that is needed to thrive in these lands. And yet much of your aboriginal lore has been forgotten. It is time to invite it back in. The reconnection to the earth is through your roots. Look back into history. Revive the old lore, and heal the old wounds. There can be no more papering over the cracks, and “making nice” while old feuds and resentments still fester in the ancestral soul.

In this time, the lodestone of the human heart is the only instrument that can serve you. Understand that you are not alone. The Earth herself can serve as your guide. As inhabitants of the earth, and participants in the unfolding of the Kosmos, your deepest senses are attuned to the emerging new patterns. The evolving path you tread builds upon your strengths as individuated beings, and your capacity to bring your unique perspectives in to the ever-widening circle, in order to inform the whole.

The new patterns are self-organising, you do not need to see the whole in order to participate in it. This is a message you should spread.

The Europe that is sensed as potential in your circle is greatly needed by the whole. Without your pioneering the next phase in collective , co-creative governance, the human adventure is in danger of stalling and disintegrating. Your neighbours in North Africa are natural partners now, as they awaken to their longing for self-determination and dignity, and shake off the conditioning that has kept them in poverty and thrall.

The old is falling away. The new is not yet born. Your circle is a beacon of light and hope. We see the bonds amongst you, shining brightly in the subtle realms. It is time for boldness. There truly is nothing to lose.

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Don’t plan, align!

Received on Thursday 2 December 2010

Context: There’s a conversation going on over at London Integral Circle list in response to Peter Merry‘s blog entry ‘Time to call our bluff‘. Peter says “Maybe we don’t need a big plan. Maybe we just need to  continually connect to reality as it is in the present moment, take decisions that seem workable for the current reality, address new tensions one at a time as they arise, and dynamically steer our way into the future”.  John Bunzl rather doubts that it can be done without any larger plan, believing that evolution needs our active, conscious participation. The family seems to have something to say:

It is true that evolution needs the active, conscious participation of as many awake humans as possible. But more important than a plan detailing what should be done (which will inevitably lead to disagreement and endless argument and conflict), is the need to clarify intention – and particularly to learn to align behind a collectively clarified and articulated intention.

At the birth of a new era – such is the threshold on which you stand, with all the old systems and certainties crumbling around you – what is called for is not consensus but dissensus. There is a need for experimentation and prodigal divergence and diversity of action. There is a need to engage with conditions on the ground, with freedom to dynamically steer as life conditions dictate, but in accordance with certain clear principles that ensure diverse action is taken for the sake of the health of the whole. This is the perspective that must be championed now.

Each and every human being is a fully-fledged part of the kosmos. When you open your minds, your hearts and your wills in service of the whole, there is no need for a master plan in order to manifest what is next for humanity and this planet. The kosmic order will take care of that. Your job is to learn to collectively align your intent and act in ways that favour the awakening of your fellows, the opening of ever more minds, hearts and wills. Peter named the process well: “Maybe we just need to continually connect to reality as it is in the present moment, take decisions that seem workable for the current reality, address new tensions one at a time as they arise, and dynamically steer our way into the future”.

Do not be concerned with ‘the others’ who seem unwilling or unable to follow. There is no need to wait for them. Withdraw your consent from that which does not serve the whole, and focus on the process of opening your own mind, heart and will, and on contributing to the collective alignment that can facilitate the shift.

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